Director of Education End of 2019-20 School Year Message

Stuart Miller, Director of Education for the Halton District School Board, delivers of the 2019-20 school year message to students and staff


Hello everyone.

This end of the school year message is a wee bit different than years past.

The last three months, since the beginning of the school closure, have certainly brought us some challenges. It is not what you or I would have envisioned for the end of the 2019-2020 school year.

I recognize the challenges this closure has created as we have provided support to students, staff and families through a distance learning model.

And I believe we have many reasons to celebrate and reflect positively on the work and achievements over the last few months. What stands out most to me is the resiliency, patience and adaptability of our students, staff and families as we navigate these changes together.

This was possible because of the dedication and leadership of our teachers, administrators, support staff, Trustees, and the support of our parent/guardian community.

It is our families that I want to thank in particular, for their support in helping to provide distance learning during the school closure. We know it has not been easy but your guidance and dedication to your children’s education has been instrumental and I want to personally thank you for that.

So the question many of you likely have now is, what happens in September? As explained last Friday by the Minister of Education, Stephen Lecce, we will plan for three possible scenarios which will be implemented depending on the public health situation at the time.

We will be communicating to staff, students and families over the summer months to keep you updated on what you can expect in September.

In the meantime, during the summer break, I hope you are able to relax and spend time with your family and friends and reflect on a job well done.

Please stay safe, enjoy the summer and thank you.
Inside HDSB
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